La Paz Fishing Report / JULY 17th 2020
This week was possibly the best week yet of the season. Even though the water is not in the best shape with continued upwellings making for mixed temperature greenish conditions. The fish just didn’t seem to care.
Bait is widely available. Again with mackerel in the bay and largest sardines I’ve ever seen sold around Tecolote. Gosh where do I start? To begin with you will hear the word limits a lot in this report.
The beginning of the week we had charters head north up to the seamounts and a few actually go a little further. These were mostly spearfishing groups that found massive schools of AmberJacks. These fish normally start to exit by now but due to a very extreme thermocline and large amounts of food these guys are going nowhere. Each boat caught their limits of 35-90lb brutes. The same areas are also holding very large Cubera snapper.
Closer to home actually just around the corner the yellowtail went on a bender. For the most part these fish were not the big home guard yellows we normally get but the quantity made up for that. Flat bottom areas with with one or two pieces of structure was all it took to hold the fish.
We dropped down to lighter gear with 30-40lb test line, size 2 circle hook and 2 oz weights using sardines. Without exaggeration guest would soak a bait for 15-20 seconds between bites, I’m mean crazy. Limits on yellowtail for all.
Further south close to shore the sargasso grass was still hanging in there. The sea turtles are doing their best to eat it as fast as possible but there is a lot and it’s full of small to medium size Dorado. Here again the limit is two per angler but limits all around.
We had one of our guests find a shark buoy loaded with Dorado, the only difference was these were 35-40 pounders. Imagine coming back with boat limit of 40lb dorado.
As I said earlier the water conditions inshore are not so good, but fortunately the water offshore is definitely better. We found 87 degrees and blue on the east side of Cerralvo. Hopefully that continues to move in and the tuna and big Marlin should be right behind.
A great week of fishing, warm sunny days and cold beer. It’s truly paradise in a very crazy time.
Be safe, stay healthy
Keep the faith